It is used for poultry to meet mineral needs.

• It prevents cannibalism disease caused by mineral deficiency
• It closes mineral deficit in diarrhea diseases
• It is used as an appetite enhancer
• It supports skeletal system and eggshell quality
• Due to liquid form it easily mixed in water and ıt provides dosing advantage
• It provides the body’s water balance
• It helps hemopoietic tissues and enzyme activation
• It helps the nervous system to function well
• It helps metabolic activities and against stress Composition:
• Phosphoric Acid, Calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Oregano oil Dosage;
• 1-2 L product add into the 1 ton of drinking water. It can be used 5-7 days.
Do not use with the other products in the same water.
• 5- 20 L plastic drums,25 L Plastic drums,1 mt IBC